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All on 4 Dental Implants in Westlake Village
SmartDentalImplantsWhat do you know about dentures? Dentures were once regarded as the leading solution for replacing missing teeth, but not anymore and for good reasons. Dentures cause insurmountable problems for your oral health, they impede eating and speaking making it not so fun to do so, and limits your confidence in yourself as well as your self-esteem. Dentures can be such time consumers, requiring extensive cleaning in the mornings and application of sticky but not to sticky adhesives. We forget to mention the classic fallout of dentures during meals and social events.
If you’re a denture user, you understand the pains of having one. Whether or not you have one right now, there’s a solution for restoring your missing teeth without all the harsh negatives. Introducing the All-on-4 dental implants procedure! The All-on-4 technique has been trending in the dental field for the last twenty years, and there is no end to its growing popularity for many more to come. With as little as four dental implants, you can enjoy a full prosthetic that looks and functions like natural teeth. In this article, we want to breakdown the benefits of choosing All-on-4 dental implants in Westlake Village, and where you can find affordable treatment in the same area.
Same Day Dental Implants are the Future of Dentistry
All-on-4 dental implants consists of using 4 dental implants. Dental implants, if you did not know, are the number one solution for replacing a single missing tooth and are well respected for their reliability, naturalness, and ease of care. So how does 4 dental implants replace an entire arch of teeth? The four dental implants are split into pairs. One pair is placed in the anterior portion of the jawbone, perpendicular to the thickest portion of the jaw that supports the most weight. The remaining pair are placed further back in the mouth, slightly angled inward near the back of the jawbone where your missing or extracted molars once were. The dentist makes small threaded incisions into the jawbone where each dental implant will be placed, and if there’s no complications will proceed to surgically insert each of the dental implants all in one day. Upon the completion of placing all 4 dental implants, the dentist will prepare a special temporary prosthetic to be used while your new dental implants are given 4-6 months to heal. After the healing period, the dentist will follow up with you and create a newer prosthetic that will cap your dental implants and become a permanent fixture in your mouth.
While the entire procedure may take some time, it’s certainly worth it over dealing with a contemporary denture that will only cause further problems and more issues for you and your dentist to deal with in the future. All-on-4 dental implants is truly the way to go to restore all of your teeth without worries!
The Benefits of Choosing All-on-4 Dental Implants
Getting All-on-4 dental implants is much more than getting back at dentures. There’s an esthetic advantage to getting All-on-4 as it is color matched to the remainder of any healthy natural teeth on the opposing arch. All-on-4 also helps preserve the jawbone, keeping you from having a sunken face in lapsing years. Moreover, your prosthetic never needs to be removed, meaning it’s also secure in place inside your mouth. You’ll never have to worry about slippage or sticky adhesives ever again! Having All-on-4 dental implants also means you can eat whatever you wish to once more! With dentures you have a mere 30% chewing retention in comparison to natural teeth, All-on-4 raises that percentage to an incredulous 90%. That’s a number a lot of people who already have gotten All-on-4 dental implants have smiled about.
In comparison to traditional dental implants, All-on-4 excels for a lot of reasons, but only if you’re in need of restoring an entire arch of teeth. All-on-4 does not require as extensive bone grafting individual dental implants do. They also require significantly less time to recover and heal from initial surgery. All-on-4 has just as high of a success rate as traditional dental implants do, at a whopping 98% while also polishing a lower cost overall in comparison to replacing all 16 on an arch with a dental implant.
You’re going to find the best deal on both dental implants and All-on-4 dental implants right here in Westlake Village. Smart Dental Implants prides itself on providing affordable dental care services to those who need it, not only to those who have money. To learn more about our dentist Dr. Torres of Westlake Village or about our All-on-4 dental implant prices, request an initial Free Consultation with us online today (http://smartdentalimplants.com)!
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