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A new drug has been FDA approved for hair loss. In fact, it has been used for a purpose other drugs already on the market. Drug called Lumigan, and will be sold as Latisse. Over time, it was accidentally discovered that she could grow hair. How could this happen? The drug was used in glaucoma and has been used for several years in patients with glaucoma. When the drops were applied to the eyes, they would escape from the eye side.
This exposure causes facial hair growth drug side of the eye. Thus, drug maker, Allergan has decided to first offer the drug to increase the length, thickness and darkness of eyelashes.
It is currently marketed for the Latisse with a new name, while the drug still are sold as well as glaucoma. Now this is the eyelashes.
They work in the hair loss drug, now and perhaps come to market with him until the time you read this article in case there is no interference. They will probably change the name of the chemical name Latisse but will still be based on Lumigan and it will be stronger than the version of Lumigan eyelashes. Because it is established drugs, it is not so much to go through rigorous procedures in order to get approved for that purpose. If they did not change the strength you can now use it for hair loss.
In this letter they plan to offer the drug as a hair loss cure hair loss cure hair loss or call it a miracle hair loss drug and sell it for about $ 120 a month. Is not whether one will continue to use it to prevent hair loss, but it may be the case in the report. If so, that would allow a very expensive option each month. It also said the drug will have side effects and risks, as do all the hair loss medication, hair loss medicines and drugs.
Some side effects of Latisse eyelashes: itching of the skin or itching sensation, redness of eyes, eyelid skin darkening and, indeed, around the eyes, darkening of the color. Thus, a stronger version of Lumigan Latisse or may be more side effects. And there can be so many risks and dangers that they may not be able to continue trading in the market, or hair loss drugs.
Meanwhile, you do not want to go out and get glaucoma drug, and rub it in, because it can not be strong enough to grow hair or reverse hair loss or baldness cure arreata.
There are many alternatives to grow hair naturally, that is, if possible, and there are many things we do not know that hair loss can change a photo in the future. One can continue to try natural hair loss drugs, not the body, and many people have reported results, but it is an individual thing and may require work and patience to find hair loss solutions for you. You may also decide that you love your hair loss, bald patches or receding hairline. Explore natural solutions first before you take the hair loss drugs currently on the market that are expensive and have many side effects and risks.
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/health-fitness-articles/hair-loss-articles/new-drug-has-been-fda-approved-hair-loss-380310.html
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Read more about orange county spa , orange county botox and orange county laser hair removalAuthor: Tedd Woods