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By Jed Jones
Many women at one time or another have said of a fading romantic relationship, “If I could only make him love me again, I would be so happy.” It truly would be great if you had that power over him, but in fact nobody does. The heart is a territory unto itself.
While you cannot directly change the feelings he has for you, there are ways to fan the flame of your love. If your relationship has been losing its glow and you fear he may be falling out of love, there is hope. You are a woman who obviously cares enough about your relationship to be reading this. If he does still have feelings for you, you can get him to adore you again.
Here are 4 strategies for getting his love back:
Strategy #1: Surprise him: All men love surprises. Try doing something special for him to let him know you were thinking about him. Your man may need that kind of special reassurance that you still really do care, especially if you have been too busy lately to give him the kind of attention you did when you first got together.
Strategy #2: Show him your own independence: Men do love to be showered with attention, but they are usually turned off by women who seem too clingy. Remember to show him once in a while that you are and always will be a whole person, with or without him. Take a class, learn how to play an instrument, or try something new with your hair. The key here is to do it on your own without running it by him for his approval ahead of time.
Strategy #3: Find out what works: As you have probably noticed, there is now a treasure trove of popular literature available on the psychology of love that explains precisely how men and women think differently. It is just a fact that the sexes are different in certain fundamental ways, and unfortunately none of us is born with innate knowledge about how to deal with the opposite sex: it has to be learned. Do yourself a favor and find out what the experts say about how to please a man and how he can best please you. Educate yourself and you will be much better prepared to know what makes his head – and heart – tick.
Strategy #4: Demand he treat you right: If you are in a situation where your guy is abusive in any way, best leave him right away with no questions asked. You deserve better, I promise you. But, if you are like most women, your man may just fail to treat you right in more subtle ways: not listening, making the occasional disrespectful comment, or not calling first when he is coming home late. If you want your man to adore you again, you first need to earn back his respect. The next time he acts in a discourteous manner, call him on it and let him know you expect to be treated with respect and love and that you will settle for nothing less. No need to corner him or make him feel defensive: just lay down the law with him and see where he stands.
The pathways of the heart are surely difficult terrain to navigate. While you cannot make your man love you if that love is gone, there are proven ways to fan the flame of his love if it has dwindled of late. Do yourself a favor and give your relationship the attention it deserves. Then, whether the relationship is for forever or is doomed to end soon, at least you will know and either way and get on with your life.
About the Author: For powerful ideas on getting him to ADORE you again, see what a Licensed Professional Counselor has to say about it at: He-Adores-Me.com
Source: isnare.com
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